
Privacy-as-a-Service (PAAS)

The OMNIPRESENT club hosts a weekly Cyber Security room every Sunday at 8pm EDT/7pm CDT/5PM PST, in this room we discuss Security 101, Security Best Practices, and we have expert knowledge in all domains in Cyber Security field.

We offer a Privacy-as-a-Service (PAAS) product designed specifically for Entrepreneurs with the primary goal to protect your privacy and your families privacy by searching, locating, identifying and scrubbing all your personally identifiable information from over 600 Data Brokers (and growing) on the Internet who collect and sell your personal information without your consent.

When someone searches your name on the internet results are provided by these data brokers who are selling your personal information for profit.

The following is an example of the data we remove which is being exposed by Data Brokers:

A. Full Name(s) B. Age C. Current Address D. Past Address(es) E. Photos F. Email address(es) G. Phone number(s) H. Relatives I. Social Media J. Occupation K. Marital Status L. Property Value and more.

What we do:

We maintain and continuously monitor a comprehensive list of current and new data brokers who sell your personally identifiable information. When you become a client we continuously scan these data brokers for your information and have this information removed each time it is located again. The data brokers are found often and we add these new data brokers to our list of sites to search for your personally identifiable information and have it removed with approximately a 95% success rate.

How the service works:

What to expect next:

3 additional reports will be generated each quarter. These reports will indicate which data brokers your information was located in as well as which data brokers your information is currently being removed from.

Privacy Scan Request:

We offer a Privacy Scan for $5.00 using the link here. This privacy scan will provide you with all the personally identifiable information found about you, family members and contain other personal information. Privacy Scan Request - $5.00

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Once your information has been received you will be added to the queue and we will scan for your information and we will reply with you results in 24 to 48 hours.

More FAQ questions and answers to be added.

Last updated: October 26, 2022.