
What does your club aim to do? Tell your visitors about the mission of the club and what it hopes to achieve. What are the values that bring people together in your club?


Upcoming Clubhouse Events for the Month of November 2022.

Mindful Meditation Group - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Mandela Monday's - The Mandela Effect - Weekly on Monday's at 8pm EDT

Emergency Preparedness 101 - Be Prepared Not Scared - Weekly on Tuesdays at 8pm EDT

Ham Radio 101 - Bi-weekly on Wednesday's at 8pm EDT

Saturated Earbuds - Live Clubhouse Karaoke - Weekly on Friday's at 8pm EDT

The Bare Peach Fiddle Hour with Luka - Weekly on Saturday's at 3pm EDT

Rendezvous Robin's gardening tips, healthy soil, freeze drying tips and more! - Weekly on Saturday's at 10pm EDT

Cyber Security 101 - Weekly on Sunday's at 8pm EDT

Learn more about our Privacy-as-a-service Product we discuss during Cyber Security 101.


Caption for the image above


What we've done

What has your club done that you're proud of? Share a few highlights below. You can embed a video, document, or presentation to summarize the work.


Caption for the video above
Caption for the presentation above

